For EACH chapter that achieves 100% undergraduate participation AND meets their FACE Award fundraising goal during SAJ Weekend of Giving, PWGM Kevin Kaplan will contribute $34.34 to each chapter's scholarship fund
PWGM Kevin Kaplan's District Challenge
If 10 districts achieve 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, PWGM Kevin Kaplan will contribute $1,000.34 to their chapter's scholarship funds (evenly divided amongst groups in the districts).
DGM Noah Griffin's Omikron Challenge
If the Omikron Chapter at Emory & Henry College achieves 100% undergraduate participation AND meets their FACE Award fundraising goal during SAJ Weekend of Giving, DGM Noah Griffin will contribute $100 to the Omikron Chapter Scholarship Fund.
PWGS Jeff McKenzie’s District Early Bird Challenge
For the first district in Kappa Sigma that reaches 100% undergraduate participation from every chapter, PWGS Jeffrey McKenzie will contribute $100.34 to each chapter in the district.
WGMC Adam Poe's Challenge #1
For ANY Commissioner whose initiation chapter achieves 100% undergraduate participation AND meets their FACE Award fundraising goal during SAJ Weekend of Giving, WGMC Adam Poe will contribute $50.34 to the chapter scholarship fund of their choosing.
WGP Burt Trembly's SAJ Weekend District Challenge
For the FIRST TWO districts that achieve 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, WGP Burt Trembly will contribute $250.34 to their chapter's scholarship funds (evenly divided amongst groups in the district) for a total of $500.68.
Top Chapters: # of Donors
These are the chapters leading the way in # of donors on SAJ Weekend of Giving 2023!
For ANY chapter that has met or beat their Champion Quest goal for the year AND achieves 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, CQ Commissioner Jody Bailey will contribute $50.34 to each chapter’s scholarship fund. If a chapter breaks their CQ goal during the rest of the semester and did not achieve 100% undergraduate participation during the weekend, Jody Bailey will also donate to their chapter.
PWGM Thomas Bishop’s Undergraduate Challenge
For EACH chapter that achieves 100% undergraduate participation AND meets their FACE Award fundraising goal during SAJ Weekend of Giving, PWGM Thomas Bishop will contribute $34.34 to each chapter's scholarship fund.
PWGM Thomas Bishop’s District Challenge
If 10 districts achieve 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, PWGM Thomas Bishop will contribute $1,000.34 to their chapter's scholarship funds (evenly divided amongst groups in the districts).
PWGS Jeff McKenzie’s District Daily Challenge
For the chapter atop each of our leaderboards (total $ raised ... AND # of donors) at 11:59pm ET each of the three days (Fri, Sat, and Sun), PWGS Jeffrey McKenzie will contribute $50.34 to the scholarship fund of every chapter in that group's district.
PWGS Jeff McKenzie’s Ambassador King of the Hill Daily Challenge
For the Ambassador atop of the Ambassador Fundraising Leaderboard each day at 11:59 pm ET (Fri, Sat, and Sun), PWGS Jeffrey McKenzie will contribute $100.34 to that Brother’s chapter scholarship fund.
WGMC Adam Poe's Challenge #3
For the FIRST district that achieves 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, WGMC Adam Poe will contribute $100.34 to the District Grand Master’s chapter’s scholarship fund.