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Past Events

Top Chapters: $ Raised
These are the chapters leading the way in $ raised on SAJ Weekend of Giving 2022!
Rank Chapter Raised
1 Delta-Mu (University of North Dakota) $76,355.35
2 Rho (Arizona State University) $33,873.36
3 Kappa (Vanderbilt University) $23,757.78
4 Epsilon-Mu (The University of Tulsa) $20,336.34
5 Theta-Zeta (Eastern New Mexico University) $19,451.30
PWGM Kevin Kaplan's SAJ DGM Weekend Challenge
For EACH DGM whose District raises $30,000 or more during SAJ Weekend of Giving, PWGM Kevin Kaplan will contribute $250 to each chapter's scholarship fund in honor of the DGM for up to a total of $15,000 for all districts. All chapters and districts are eligible to benefit from this challenge.
DGM Nick Gallicchio's Theta-Nu, Theta-Upsilon and Nu-Psi Challenges
If the Theta-Nu, Theta-Upsilon, and Nu-Psi chapters achieve 100% undergraduate participation by Noon EST on Friday, DGM Nick Gallicchio will contribute $34 to each chapter's scholarship fund.
WGS Dan Tierney's Ohio Challenge
If all other chapters in the State of Ohio achieve 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, WGS Dan Tierney will contribute $100 to each chapter's scholarship fund for a total of $800. The eligible chapters are Gamma-Xi (Denison University), Epsilon-Eta (Bowling Green State University), Epsilon-Rho (Kent State University), Theta-Omicron (Muskingum University), Theta-Upsilon (Miami University), Nu-Psi (University of Cincinnati), Pi-Rho (University of Akron), and Tau-Mu (Capital University).
Top Chapters: # of Donors
These are the chapters leading the way in # of donors on SAJ Weekend of Giving 2022!
Rank Chapter Gifts
1 Pi-Xi (Colorado State University) 337
2 Delta-Xi (University of Mississippi) 305
3 Delta-Mu (University of North Dakota) 268
4 Gamma-Tau (University of Colorado Boulder) 234
5 Theta-Zeta (Eastern New Mexico University) 222
WGP Burt Trembly's SAJ Weekend District Challenge
For the FIRST TWO districts that achieve 100% undergraduate participation during SAJ Weekend of Giving, WGP Burt Trembly will contribute $250.34 to their chapter's scholarship funds (evenly divided amongst groups in the district) for a total of $500.68.
DGM Michael Benson's Michigan/Ohio Fundraising Challenge
DGM Michael Benson will contribute $200 to the chapter in the states of Ohio or Michigan with the highest fundraising total per undergraduate member during SAJ Weekend of Giving. The winning chapter must also achieve its FACE Award fundraising goal and 100% undergraduate participation to win. The eligible chapters are Delta-Psi (Michigan State University), Omicron-Rho (University of Michigan - Flint), Sigma-Eta (Central Michigan University), Sigma-Zeta (Northwood University), Gamma-Xi (Denison University), Nu-Psi (University of Cincinnati), Tau-Mu (Capital University), Theta-Omicron (Muskingum University), Theta-Upsilon (Miami University), Epsilon-Eta (Bowling Green State University), Pi-Rho (University of Akron), Theta-Nu (Ashland University), Epsilon-Rho (Kent State University).
DGM Matthew Charnas's Southern Ohio District Challenge (with Wes Bren and George Dickson)
For EACH chapter of the Southern Ohio District that achieves 100% undergraduate participation AND meets their fundraising goal during SAJ Weekend of Giving, DGM Matthew Charnas, ADGM Wes Bren, and ADGM George Dickson will contribute $151.02 to each chapter's scholarship fund for a total of $755.10. The eligible chapters are Gamma-Xi (Denison University), Nu-Psi (University of Cincinnati), Tau-Mu (Capital University), Theta-Omicron (Muskingum University), and Theta-Upsilon (Miami University).