This Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving, Feburary 28- March 2nd, we're asking you to make a tax-deductible donation to support a cause near and dear to the Alpha-Upsilon Chapter– the creation of a new Scholarship-Leadership Award named in honor of Brother Bradley M. Dew. 100% of your gift, in the amount of $10.34, $50.34, $150.34, $340, $3,400, or $34,000, will help fund this special scholarship.
Our goal is to raise $50,000 to establish a permanent $2,000 annual Scholarship in Brother Dew's name that will benefit an Alpha-Upsilon Chapter Brother every year in perpetuity. In the event Alpha-Upsilon does not reach the $50,000 threshold during the Weekend but reaches $25,000, it will automatically create a $1,000 annual Scholarship-Leadership Award. All amounts raised shy of $25K between or over $50K will directed to the existing Chapter Scholarship Fund to benefit Alpha-Upsilon undergraduates.
Bradley Morris Dew was born to Jean and Richard Dew on December 31. 1970 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He attended Oak Ridge High School, where he was an honor student, an all-state football player, and captain of a team that finished ranked third in the state. The three passions of his life were football, hunting and fishing. He took great pride in having taught several Fraternity Brothers the fine art of bass fishing.
He was a born leader and was elected captain of most teams in which he participated. In the tenth grade, he played on an undefeated AAU basketball team consisting of twelve African-American players and himself. The other players elected him captain. People seemed to naturally gravitate to him and found him to be a steadfast friend. He was never too busy to stop and lend an ear or a helping hand. After his death, his parents relate they received dozens of letters from Brothers, friends, and classmates whom he had quietly helped deal with personal problems and family losses.
Several of his friends have named children after Bradley. One even named his daughter Bradley. He enrolled as a pre-law student at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1989. He was an honor student and played three years on their football team. In his sophomore and junior years, he was named all-conference linebacker. He was selected to Phi Beta Kapps but was killed before he could be formally inducted. At 21 years old, Bradley was murdered in a racially motivated hate crime on June 7, 1992. This was doubly ironic and tragic since he was a leading racial conciliator on the Millsaps campus.
The Bradley M. Dew Scholarship-Leadership Award will be given annually to an Alpha-Upsilon undergraduate member who excels in scholarship, leadership, and community service, all of which reflect the example Brother Dew provided.
Now is the time to rally behind this historic initiative and honor the lasting legacy of Brother Bradley M. Dew. Donate Now!