Delta-Xi (University of Mississippi)
Support Kappa Sigma at Ole Miss!

This Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving, we're asking you to make a tax-deductible donation to support a cause near and dear to the Delta-Xi Chapter– the creation of a new Scholarship-Leadership Award named in honor of Brother Louis M. Schruff, Jr. . 100% of your gift, in the amount of $10.34, $50.34, $150.34, $340, $3,400, or $34,000, will help fund this special scholarship.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 to establish a permanent $2,000 annual Scholarship in Brother Schruff's name that will benefit a Delta-Xi Chapter Brother every year in perpetuity. In the event Delta-Xi does not reach the $50,000 threshold during the Weekend but reaches $25,000, it will automatically create a $1,000 annual Scholarship-Leadership Award. All amounts raised shy of $25K between or over $50K will be directed to the existing Chapter Scholarship Fund to benefit Delta-Xi undergraduates.

Brother Schruff has dedicated his life to leadership, mentorship, and the lifelong bonds of Brotherhood. As an undergraduate, he played a pivotal role in strengthening the Delta-Xi Chapter, embodying the core values of Kappa Sigma through his service, leadership, and commitment to excellence. His passion for Kappa-Sigma didn’t end after graduation—instead, it only grew stronger.

As an Alumnus, Brother Schruff has been a steadfast supporter of Kappa Sigma, dedicating his time and resources to ensure future generations benefit from the same experiences the Fraternity provided him. His mentorship has guided countless Brothers, instilling in them the principles of Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. His professional success and deep-rooted dedication to Kappa Sigma serve as an inspiration to all who have had the privilege of knowing him.

The Louis M. Schruff, Jr.  Scholarship-Leadership Award will be given annually to a Delta-Xi undergraduate member who excels in scholarship, leadership, and community service, all of which reflect the example Brother Schruff has provided.

Now is the time to rally behind this historic initiative and honor the lasting legacy of Brother Louis M. Schruff, Jr. . Donate Now!

Nic Snowberger's First District to Reach 100% Participation Challenge
Brother Snowberger will donate $1,000.36 to the first district to reach 100% UG Participation, split evenly between the Chapters.
WGM Burt Trembly's First 2 Districts to 100% Participation Challenge
For the FIRST TWO districts that achieve 100% undergraduate participation, WGM Burt Trembly will contribute $250.34 to their chapters’ scholarship funds (evenly divided amongst groups in the district) for a total of $500.68.
Past WGS Jeff McKenzie's First District to 100% Participation Challenge
Past WGS Jeff McKenzie will donate $100.34 to each Chapter in the FIRST District that reaches 100% UG Participation and reaches their SAJ Weekend of Giving Goal
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