Xi-Zeta (Northwest Missouri State University)
Support the future return of Kappa Sigma at Northwest Missouri State University

The purpose of this historic initiative is to raise funds for YOUR Chapter Scholarship Fund. Brothers and other Kappa Sigma supporters are challenged to donate $10.34, $50.34, $150.34, $340, $3,400, $34,000 or more between 12:01 AM EST on Friday, March 1st and 11:59 PM HST on Sunday, March 3rd. 


We know your Chapter is currently closed, but these funds will be held in the Chapter Scholarship Fund for future members once the Chapter is reorganized. If you know a student at this University please contact Leo Brown, Vice-President of External Affairs for Kappa Sigma, at leo@hq.kappasigma.org.

Donate during the weekend in honor or memory of a Brother, or important person to Kappa Sigma, then challenge a pledge brother to do the same! Remember 100% of donations during this weekend support YOUR Chapter Scholarship Fund. 

Your Chapter Scholarship Fund is used to support undergraduate scholarships for members of this chapter only when it returns to campus. This fund is invested and grows each year, and is professionally managed by JP Morgan Private Bank.

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